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In January, I wrote an on Class Central about , which offers a free certificate. In this article, I'll go over CS50’s entire 10-course lineup, seven of which also offer a free certificate.

1月,我在Class Central上写了关于的 ,提供免费证书。 在本文中,我将介绍CS50的整个10门课程阵容,其中七个还提供免费证书。

CS50:原始课程 (CS50: The Original Course)

CS50 is taught by Harvard Professor . Back in 2015, when Class Central contributor Charlie Soliman , he said this about Professor Malan:

CS50由哈佛大学教授教授。 早在2015年,当班级中央贡献者查理·索利曼(Charlie Soliman) ,他就马兰教授这样说:

At the risk of stating a cliché, his approach to teaching is unlike anything I have seen and can easily be labeled as revolutionary. One can detect the joy and effort he puts into each of his lectures.
冒着陈词滥调的风险,他的教学方法与我所见过的任何事物都不一样,并且很容易被称为革命性的。 人们可以察觉到他在每堂课中所付出的快乐和努力。

Having taken the course myself, I can say that this quote is as relevant today as it was back then. In fact, since the course is updated every year, it’s gotten even better.

我本人参加了该课程,我可以说这句话与今天一样具有现实意义。 实际上,由于该课程每年都会更新,因此变得越来越好。

Offered at and on , CS50 has grown to become Harvard’s , with 800+ students per term. It's also one of the world’s and MOOCs ever, with 2M+ learners in total.

CS50 年在提供, 在上提供,现已成长为哈佛 ,每学期有800多名学生。 它也是世界上 , MOOC之一,总共有200万以上的学习者。

And “CS50” has evolved from a code designating a to a brand encompassing exploring different subjects, targeting different audiences, and stacking into different learning paths.

而且,“ CS50”已经从指定的代码演变为涵盖的品牌, 探索不同的主题,针对不同的受众,并融入不同的学习路径。

To make sense of CS50’s offerings, I partly audited each course, I explored their online communities, and I contacted their course staff. I found that Professor Malan often replies to emails himself — a nice touch considering the course has over 100 staff.

为了理解CS50的产品,我对每门课程进行了部分审核,探索了他们的在线社区,并联系了他们的课程工作人员。 我发现马兰教授经常自己回覆电子邮件-考虑到该课程有100多名员工,这很不错。

CS50:扩展产品 (CS50: The Expanded Offering)

CS50’s full offering currently comprises ten courses that can be broken down into three levels as shown in the table below. As you can see, seven courses offer a free certificate.

CS50的全部课程目前包括十个课程,可以分为三个级别,如下表所示。 如您所见,七门课程提供免费证书。

Click on a course or level to jump to the corresponding section.


Level Courses Workload Certificate
(Optional) 4 hours / 6 weeks
(Pick one: usually enough) 12 hours / 12 weeks
5 hours / 32 weeks
  • No free certificate
4 hours / 10 weeks
4 hours / 6 weeks
(Pick one or several) 20 hours / 7 weeks
8 hours / 12 weeks
8 hours / 12 weeks
8 hours / 13 weeks
  • No certificates
5 hours / 12 weeks
  • No certificates
水平 培训班 工作量 证书
(可选) 4小时/ 6周
(第一个:通常足够) 12小时/ 12周
5小时/ 32周
  • 没有免费的证书
4小时/ 10周
4小时/ 6周
(选择一项或多项) 20小时/ 7周
8小时/ 12周
8小时/ 12周
8小时/ 13周
  • 没有证书
5小时/ 12周
  • 没有证书

基础课程 (Basic Course)

Currently, CS50 only offers one basic course. It can be seen as an optional on-ramp to CS50’s core courses. If you don’t feel ready for a formal introduction to computer science, this is a good place to start.

目前,CS50仅提供一门基础课程。 可以将其视为CS50核心课程的可选入门课程。 如果您不准备正式开始计算机科学入门,那么这是一个不错的起点。

CS50了解技术— CS50T (CS50 Understanding Technology — CS50T)

CS50T is a gentle introduction to the world of computing. It starts at the hardware level and works its way up from there. It explores how the internet works, how websites are created, how security is ensured, and ends with coding basics.

CS50T是对计算世界的温和介绍。 它从硬件级别开始,然后从那里开始。 它探讨了互联网的工作原理,网站的创建方式,如何确保安全性以及以编码基础结尾。

The course is taught by David J. Malan. It involves about 4 hours of study per week over 6 weeks. This course offers the following certificate options:

该课程由David J. Malan教授。 在6周内,每周大约需要学习4个小时。 本课程提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Extension School


核心课程 (Core Courses)

Currently, CS50 offers four core courses. These include the original CS50 as well as variants geared toward different types of learners. This is where most learners want to start.

目前,CS50提供四门核心课程。 其中包括原始的CS50以及针对不同类型学习者的变体。 这是大多数学习者想要开始的地方。

One course should be plenty. But learners that take a variant may want to also take the original CS50 — especially if they plan to continue with a follow-up course.

一门课程应该足够。 但是,采用变体的学习者可能还希望采用原始的CS50,尤其是如果他们计划继续学习后续课程时。

CS50计算机科学概论 (CS50 Introduction to Computer Science)

CS50 is Harvard’s computer science introduction. It starts with binary and goes up the ladder of abstraction from machine code to low-level languages to high-level languages. It explores algorithms, data structures, and memory management. And it ends with one of three specialization tracks: web, game, or mobile development.

CS50是哈佛的计算机科学导论。 它从二进制开始,并从机器代码到低级语言再到高级语言,逐步发展成为抽象。 它探讨了算法,数据结构和内存管理。 它以三个专业化路径之一结尾:Web,游戏或移动开发。

The course is taught by David J. Malan. It involves about 12 hours of study per week over 12 weeks. And it offers the following certificate options:

该课程由David J. Malan教授。 在12周内,每周大约需要学习12个小时。 它提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Extension School


CS50 AP计算机科学原理— CS50AP (CS50 AP Computer Science Principles — CS50AP)

CS50AP is a CS50 variant that allows students in participating schools to earn AP credit. In the US, AP credit can help university applicants bolster their chances of admission and validate credit.

CS50AP是CS50的一种变体,它允许参与学校的学生获得AP学分。 在美国,AP学分可以帮助大学申请者增加入学机会并验证学分。

The course covers the same content as CS50 but includes more material, two extra assignments, and a proctored exam.


The course is taught by David J. Malan. It involves about 5 hours of study per week over 32 weeks. And it only offers a via edX.

该课程由David J. Malan教授。 在32周内,每周大约需要学习5个小时。 而且它仅通过edX提供 。

CS50律师计算机科学— CS50L (CS50 Computer Science for Lawyers — CS50L)

CS50L is a CS50 variant geared toward lawyers and law students. Part of the curriculum explores similar content but emphasizes big-picture understanding of low-level details. The other part explores entirely new content that considers how law and computer science interact — for instance, in regards to cybersecurity, data privacy, and internet regulation.

CS50L是针对律师和法学学生的CS50变体。 该课程的一部分探索相似的内容,但强调对低级细节的全面了解。 另一部分则探讨了全新的内容,这些内容考虑了法律与计算机科学之间的相互作用方式,例如在网络安全,数据隐私和互联网监管方面。

The course is taught by David J. Malan and . It involves about 4 hours of study per week over 10 weeks and offers the following certificate options:

该课程由David J. Malan和教授。 它在10周内每周大约需要学习4个小时,并提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Law School Executive Education


CS50商业专业人员计算机科学— CS50B (CS50 Computer Science for Business Professionals — CS50B)

CS50B is a CS50 variant geared toward business professionals. Most of the course explores similar content but emphasizes big-picture understanding of low-level details. A small part explores entirely new content relevant to businesses, for instance, cloud computing.

CS50B是针对业务专业人员的CS50变体。 本课程的大部分课程探索相似的内容,但强调对低级细节的全面了解。 一小部分探讨与业务相关的全新内容,例如云计算。

The course is taught by David J. Malan. It involves about 4 hours of study per week over 6 weeks and offers the following certificate options:

该课程由David J. Malan教授。 它在6周内每周大约需要学习4个小时,并提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Extension School


后续课程 (Follow-up Courses)

Currently, CS50 offers five follow-up courses. These pick up where CS50 leaves off and explore a specific subject. They’re an excellent way to build on your computer science fundamentals by delving into a specialization.

目前,CS50提供五门后续课程。 这些从CS50离开的地方开始,并探索特定主题。 通过研究专业化知识,它们是建立计算机科学基础的极好方法。

CS50 Python人工智能简介— CS50AI (CS50 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python — CS50AI)

CS50AI leverages the Python programming language to explore modern artificial intelligence. It covers foundational AI concepts, such as search algorithms and knowledge models, and builds on them to discuss more advanced concepts, such as optimization and machine learning.

CS50AI利用Python编程语言来探索现代人工智能。 它涵盖了基础的AI概念,例如搜索算法和知识模型,并在此基础上讨论了更高级的概念,例如优化和机器学习。

The course is taught by . It involves about 20 hours of study per week over 7 weeks and offers the following certificate options:

该课程由教授。 它在7周内每周大约需要学习20个小时,并提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Extension School


The courses is also part of edX’s .


使用Python和JavaScript进行CS50 Web编程— CS50W (CS50 Web Programming with Python and JavaScript — CS50W)

CS50W explores the languages, tools, and processes underpinning modern web app development. It covers languages such as Python and JavaScript, frameworks such as Flask and Django, and services such as GitHub and Heroku.

CS50W探索了支持现代Web应用程序开发的语言,工具和流程。 它涵盖了诸如Python和JavaScript之类的语言,诸如Flask和Django之类的框架以及诸如GitHub和Heroku之类的服务。

The course is taught by . It involves about 8 hours of study per week over 12 weeks. This course offers the following certificate options:

该课程由教授。 在12周内,每周大约需要学习8个小时。 本课程提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Extension School


The courses is also part of edX’s .


CS50游戏开发简介— CS50G (CS50 Introduction to Game Development — CS50G)

CS50G explores the languages, tools, and processes underpinning modern game development. It leverages languages such as C# and frameworks such as Unity to create 2D and 3D experiences, and draws examples from video games such as Pong, Mario, and Portal.

CS50G探索了支持现代游戏开发的语言,工具和流程。 它利用C#等语言和Unity等框架来创建2D和3D体验,并从Pong,Mario和Portal等视频游戏中提取示例。

The course is taught by . It involves about 8 hours of study per week over 12 weeks and offers the following certificate options:

该课程由教授。 它在12周内每周学习大约8个小时,并提供以下证书选项:

  • via Harvard OpenCourseWare


  • via edX


  • via Harvard Extension School


The courses is also part of edX’s .


使用React Native开发CS50移动应用程序— CS50M (CS50 Mobile App Development with React Native — CS50M)

CS50M explores how to develop mobile apps using the React Native framework. It covers concepts such as state and components, processes such as testing and deployment, and tools such as Redux and JSX.

CS50M探索如何使用React Native框架开发移动应用程序。 它涵盖了状态和组件等概念,测试和部署等流程以及Redux和JSX等工具。

The course is taught by . It involves about 8 hours of study per week over 13 weeks. This course is offered via , but has no certificate.

本课程由教授。 在13周内,每周大约需要学习8个小时。 该课程是通过提供的,但没有证书。

The courses is also part of edX’s .


CS50超越 (CS50 Beyond)

CS50 Beyond is the precursor of CS50W. It explores the same subject, web development, but does it in a more condensed time frame. Most topics remain the same, but many of the projects are different.

CS50 Beyond是CS50W的前身。 它探索相同的主题,即Web开发,但在更紧凑的时间内进行。 大多数主题保持不变,但是许多项目不同。

The course is taught by . It involves about 5 hours of study per week over 12 weeks. This course is offered via , but has no certificate.

该课程由教授。 在12周内,每周大约需要学习5个小时。 该课程是通过提供的,但没有证书。




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